Diamant BG supports GATE – the new big data institute
Sofia will soon become a home for the Center of excellence in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence – the Big Data for Smart Society Institute (GATE). This is a large-scale project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and co-funded by the Operational Programme "Science and Education for Smart Growth".
The center will bring together everyone interested in Big Data: universities, government structures, the economy, industry, civil society. In this way, Sofia will become a national, regional and European hub for significant scientific achievements, education and innovation when it comes to Big Data.
GATE is an investment in human potential. The Institute aims to attract, inspire and shape the next generation of young researchers who, with guidance of leading scientists, will work with enthusiasm and curiosity in the field of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.
The Institute will be situated in a new building, specially constructed for the needs of the center. The home of GATE will be located at: James Boucher Blvd. with a total built-up area of over 2,400 sq. m. The assessment, certification and control of energy efficiency will be carried out by Diamant BG EOOD as part of a union for construction supervision.
"We joined forces with Fastay EOOD and Lifo OOD in order to take part in this important public procurement. We are glad that thanks to our expertise in energy efficiency, we will be able to contribute to the establishment of this new-generation scientific institute in Bulgaria", said Miroslav Yorgov, owner of Diamant BG.
The building of GATE will have a training laboratory with an interactive learning space equipped with state-of-the-art computer stations with software of leading big data and artificial intelligence companies, as well as a discussion and meeting area. It will be used for conducting educational courses and professional trainings by leading researchers, both from the Institute and from abroad.
There will also be a data visualization lab. Three equipped separate spaces will be available – Fusion studio and a visualization lobby for events organized by the GATE team, a space for visual demonstrations and data visualization, and a workspace that supports research.
The mission of GATE is to carry out applied research, develop innovation and provide education in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in cooperation with government, industry and entrepreneurs. Based on this, the Institute will generate well-educated professionals, new business opportunities and social impact in Bulgaria and Europe.