Energy efficiency for buildings

Energy performance audit of buildings in service


The energy efficiency audit of buildings in service aims to determine the energy consumption level, identify the specific options for its reduction and recommend measures to improve energy efficiency.

The energy audit of building in service determines the normalised (basic) energy consumption of a building in its existing state at the time of the audit, it specifies the specific options for reducing the normalised energy consumption while guaranteeing the maintenance of the normative parameters of the microclimate, while technical and economic evaluation of energy efficiency improvement measures for the building is being carried out.

Energy performance audit of buildings in service aims at:

  • identification of the building envelope and the systems for provision of the microclimate; measurement and calculation of energy performance; analysis and identification of the potential for reduction in energy consumption;
  • development of energy efficiency improvement measures;
  • technical and economic evaluation of the energy efficiency measures and the cost/benefit ratio;
  • assessment of the CO2 emissions that will be saved as a result of the energy efficiency improvement measures implementation;
  • analysis of renewable energy options to prove technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness; the analysis of renewable energy options is part of the assessment of the building's annual energy consumption indicators.

The audit is completed with a report, a summary and provision of an energy performance certificate for the building.

The energy performance certificate of a building in service is valid for up to 10 years.

Based on the energy performance certificate issued for a building in service, the building can be exempted from building tax under the Local Taxes and Fees Act (LTFA) for a maximum term of 10 years.